Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Have Not Fallen Off the Face of the Earth!

The last 5 months have been crazy. My husband got and took an offer for a new job 500 miles away (but close to where I grew up). We spent the few weeks he had before having to move getting the house ready to go on the market, and then I was crazy busy getting items listed, sold and shipped so as not to have to move them.

The plan was for me to stay with the house and our 3 kids until Christmas at which point we'd all move in with my parents while we waited for our house to sell (my husband was already staying with them during the week and then driving to be with us each weekend). The morning we were packing up our van and a small trailer to move to my parent's, we got an offer on our house and while on the 500-mile-drive, we finally came to terms we could live with and accepted the offer. We closed a few weeks ago and are now searching for a new place in a new state. I decided that trying to continue selling items while living with Mom & Dad (in their small home) wasn't going to be my brightest idea, so all the inventory I wasn't able to list or sell before the move is in storage.

We're thrilled to be close to my family, but the east coast is a bit different than the midwest - I have yet to find any good thrift stores (or any at all) close by and Goodwill was a pretty big letdown (used jeans for $7.50?? Give me a break! Although, I did find a Star Wars Lego set for $1). I had at least 4 nice Goodwill stores and 2 awesome thrift stores within 20 minutes of our midwest home. So, I'm hoping I can still find some sources for inventory here! And I'm really hoping we can find a house with some storage, too. Another big difference is the home prices here - ouch. I keep reminding myself that God has provided so far and even if I'm not able to continue my Ebay selling like I was, it will be okay... even if I DID get an email from Ebay in January saying I'd achieved Top-Rated Seller Status!